The macarons on the sweets table! There were goodie bags so they could take them home. There were none left to take home... Success.
The word of the week is wedding. Or maybe it should be baking? Or macarons? OR maybe SUGAR. Sugar may be the best option considering all of the above are sweet and lovely and amazing. This week all of my dreams have been far too realistic. Macaron failures, messed up bridal gift, ME GETTING MARRIED. Thankfully, none of the above are true. I have been very organized while planning to bake my heart out for my adorable friends wedding. She wanted my original chocolate chip cookies and some type of macaron for little party favors that the guests could take home in goodie bags! So the search was on for the perfect and most delicious macaron recipe! I work in the perfect environment for testing recipes. I bake up a storm and bring them in and wait for the verdict! "I like this one but.." or "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER"... or "yeahhhhh, not my favorite"... There were cinnamon macs, blood orange macs, nutella macs, mexican chocolate macs, peanut butter macs, lemon macs, strawberry macs, pistachio macs, raspberry macs. And boy there were fillings, cinnamon cream cheese filling, lemon and blood orange curd, espresso-chocolate buttercream, cranberry and white chocolate ganache, marshmallow fluff buttercream, strawberry buttercream.... And then there was a suggestion from the groom. "Could you make a macaron that replicates Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia" ice cream?!" What a phenomenal idea! I started looking at the ingredients. Cherry, chocolate, ameretto... The ideas in my head were being thrown around like a macaron hurricane. They eventually landed in my mind perfectly together.
- Chocolate-Almond Shells
- Chocolate Ameretto Ganache
- Cherry Buttercream
- Ameretto DRUNK Cherries
Brought them in to my critics. WE HAVE A WINNER!
They were delicious.

Chocolate amaretto ganache! Heaven.
Now all I had to do was find a "hers" macaron! She wanted the Espresso-Chocolate Buttercream that I used on the Nutella Macs but I thought it would be better if we didn't have two chocolate macarons and instead did something fruity or tart to give a good balance. I also wanted them to be pink because it goes with her wedding colors. Pink...Pink...Pink...hmmmm Strawberry (no) Rose Water (naw) Plain (bleh.) Raspberry?! YES! Now if only I could find a DANG raspberry extract in the city of Houston. I swear they all decided to run out at the same time. I decided to make them without the raspberry extract and instead buy a million dollar container or "Just Raspberries" and grind them finely in the food processor. I put a dollop of ROSE food coloring so they would be vibrant and gorgeous. They turned out adorable and delicious. HOWEVER, they were missing the wow factor that the "his" macs had. I can't have the groom show up the BRIDE! COME ON! I went to the grocery store and guess what was sitting in front of me. GORGEOUS ORGANIC RASPBERRIES AT $1.50 a pint. That's a BOMB price for organic raspberries. I couldn't resist. A little Macaron sandwich with a delicious surprise.
The gorgeous coffee from Catalina Coffee I used for the Macarons!

Espresso-Chocolate Buttercream!
The stunning organic raspberries
Sprinkled with the dehydrated raspberries
The openfaced Raspberry Macarons
YAY :)
This week has been a baking extravaganza. Nothing swells my feet quicker. I have permanent CANKLES this week. That's hot, right? Well it's all worth it because the macarons are AMAZING. They are perfect opposites of eachother. The shells of the chocolate macs match the filling or the raspberries macs. The shells of the raspberry macs match the filling of the chocolate macs.
It like a true corny love story.
They say opposites attract right?

This is a piano cake! It was Carlos' sisters birthday cake! So cute!
They were delicious.
Now all I had to do was find a "hers" macaron! She wanted the Espresso-Chocolate Buttercream that I used on the Nutella Macs but I thought it would be better if we didn't have two chocolate macarons and instead did something fruity or tart to give a good balance. I also wanted them to be pink because it goes with her wedding colors. Pink...Pink...Pink...hmmmm Strawberry (no) Rose Water (naw) Plain (bleh.) Raspberry?! YES! Now if only I could find a DANG raspberry extract in the city of Houston. I swear they all decided to run out at the same time. I decided to make them without the raspberry extract and instead buy a million dollar container or "Just Raspberries" and grind them finely in the food processor. I put a dollop of ROSE food coloring so they would be vibrant and gorgeous. They turned out adorable and delicious. HOWEVER, they were missing the wow factor that the "his" macs had. I can't have the groom show up the BRIDE! COME ON! I went to the grocery store and guess what was sitting in front of me. GORGEOUS ORGANIC RASPBERRIES AT $1.50 a pint. That's a BOMB price for organic raspberries. I couldn't resist. A little Macaron sandwich with a delicious surprise.
Espresso-Chocolate Buttercream!
This week has been a baking extravaganza. Nothing swells my feet quicker. I have permanent CANKLES this week. That's hot, right? Well it's all worth it because the macarons are AMAZING. They are perfect opposites of eachother. The shells of the chocolate macs match the filling or the raspberries macs. The shells of the raspberry macs match the filling of the chocolate macs.
It like a true corny love story.
They say opposites attract right?
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